Vero Scrapbook Store

We proudly carry the
most current items
from some of the
most popular vendors:

crate paper

Webster's pages


theresa collins

Bo Bunny

pink Paiselle

Kaiser craft

fancy pants

little yellow bicycle

graphic 45

and many more

ALL Crop Registration

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Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Mail to Barbara Ohanlon, Vero Scrapbook Store  , 1271 Hometown Drive, Vero Beach FL  32966

 Crop Registration

Name:   _________________________________________________________



E-mail address:____________________________________________________

I would like to sit next to ____________________________________________

Date of Crop Attending______________________________________________


Waiver and Indemnification of Liability
Vero Beach Community Center /Bethal Creek House
Vero Scrapbook Store

I understand that the use of the facility or equipment entails certain risks and hazards.  I agree to participate at Vero Beach Community Center or Bethal Creek  sponsored by Vero Scrapbook.

I agree, that any injuries that I, my family, friends, or other guests may suffer, as a result of the use of the above cited facility are my legal responsibility.  Therefore, I waive my rights to sue, or otherwise hold any one of the following persons responsible for any resulting injury:

  •       Vero Beach Community Center or Bethal Creek  House
  •       Vero Scrapbook Store  or Barbara OHanlon
  •       Any of its employees or owner

In addition, I indemnify the above from injuries that  I  or any of my guests receive from the use of said facility or equipment . 

My signature below means that I have read, understand, and agree to this Wavier and Indemnification.


X________________________________________     Date___________________________

Refund Policy for Monthly Crop.: NO REFUND will be given for any cancellation a credit will be given for another crop If cancelled BEFORE 14 days of event no refund or credit will be given.

No Refund for Big Event Crops.

Vero Scrapbook
1271 Hometown Drive

Vero Beach, FL 32966

The leading scrapbook supplier of the Teasure Coast in Indian River County